Go forwards, run backwards, step sideways, keep your eyes open and your ears peeled, the world is travelling at a million miles a second and you don't want to miss it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nine Days, and I have nothing to show for it.

Unlike Fallon, I have nine days left to prepare, and absolutely no plan whatsoever. I have a bin in the center of my room filled with winter clothes that I have yet to sift through, a missing towel, a laundry bin FILLED with laundry, and I'm going to Tanglewood for the weekend for leadership camp. I'm pretty sure at this point I'm begging to be in tears and clinging to my friends and my band safety-net come Monday, when everyone I know goes back to Tanglewood and I trudge home alone, minus the TV in my room and the box in my basement. Even my chair will be gone!

Truthfully, I am absolutely terrified of going. I keep telling myself that hey, I navigated Italy for Chrissakes, I can navigate a country that speaks the same language as me.

Me, navigating Italy successfully

But when I went to Italy, I had people I knew with me. This whole being alone thing is very, very new. New but, I feel, necessary. If I want to grow up, I have to do things like this; go places I don't know with people I don't know and carve out a little space for me. London wasn't my first choice for study abroad (I would have killed to go to Italy; one day, maybe) but being unable to speak any other languages, it was kind of my only option.

Well, I'm going now, I can't do much to change it. Not that I would, because I reeeeeeeeally want to go. I adapt much better to new situations than I normally perceive myself to be able to do, so I don't know why I psyche myself out like this: I guess because it's a lot easier to do. I'm apprehensive because of my lack of money, but I'm not alone in that; lack of people I know, but I've already made a couple new friends; lack of preparation, but who's ever prepared to leave everything they've been influenced by since birth to be in a place completely different?

I don't expect to come back being a completely different person with, say, new life goals or anything. I just hope to come back with a little bit more than I left with, and maybe more of an idea for what I want to do with the rest of my life.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Look, I made a blog!

SO. This is my attempt at blogging while abroad. I regret not journaling when I went to Italy for 10 days, so here's hoping I actually use this blog. This isn't just for me to talk to others about what I'm doing, it's also for me to remember my own thoughts and actions. I'm also bringing a paper journal with me, although who knows how often I'll use that. Hopefully I will but, no promises.

Basically, in less than two weeks, I'll be boarding a plane to London, England, to live there for four months and study history. I'm scared, excited and apprehensive. I can't waaaaaaiiiiiiiiiit. I've wanted to study abroad since I first found out that was a thing that people could do. And now I'm finally going to do it. In the middle of an economic crisis both here and there. Adventures await! I hope.